Monday, February 18, 2008

1)Work-King of Swords
2)Home-Nine of Swords
3)Unexpected-Queen of pentacles
4)My role-2 of cups
5)Outcome-Ace of pentacles

my work, will be focused on intellectual pursuits. everything very highly intelligent and through. i search deep in things.

home life, it will be hard to get out of bed, there is anxiety here probably of me going back to school tommorow. i'm really worried about this. its hard to sleep because of this worry.

unexpected, i got advice from Robert that i should take more of the dose then i needed of st,johns worth. i was really surprised and shocked. made me think i am out of money to buy more.

my role today is to connect with people, try to create a synthesis . emotional balance. trying to be less depressed. my outcome,ace of pentacles i learned something important about the herbs i am taking, i need to take a lot more. i need to see if it will help with my depression, moods etc.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I saw your post about Tarot of the Old Path being hard to find.

It's not OOP or not being made anymore. It's published by AGM (their in Europe)distributed in the USA by US Games. There is some sort of dispute or issue and for the moment USG is not distributing any AGM decks in the US. So.....

Look on overseas websites., shops there etc. Any shop in the US might very well have huge prices, thinking it's OOP or something.