Monday, February 11, 2008

Card of the day

In the five of pentacles, I see two men standing by a church, one is kneeling on the floor looking hopeless and sad and the other one is standing looking also very hopeless and insecure. If thats the right word. they both are wearing old worn out clothing. the man sitting down is barly holding on to his crutch. while the one standing up is holding on to it more security, yet they both don't look they are giving either one any hope to each other, no hope or comfort. in the back of them there's a church with five pentacles .

What i'm getting from this card is there is a lack of material security and a loss of hope. like nothing even spirituality can help them. i sense they are both hopeless of the future.

Also they look very tired and worn out, like they have done some hard labor but have gotten very little for it.
and the result is the depression. i feel this is a card of sorrow and depression for lack of material goods? insecurity. like they are barly holding on for hope signified by the crutches.

also another clue to this card, in the four of pentacles, the man is holding on to the pentacle so tightly like he is afraid of risking his money for fear of material loss. in the five of pentacles i get that eventually he risked it but he went all out and spent all his money and now he is deprived of basic goods, money to live on etc.

1 comment:

TOG said...

my friend pulled (the five of pentacles with the two on crutches) this card for me the other day. She doesn't know what the deck is called. Would you know?